So much to do, so little time.
I've successfully ordered the next batch of game prototypes, ten in all. (I possibly could have gotten more, but geez those things are expensive.) Once those get here, I'll be distributing them out to various reviewers, demoers, and playtesters. However, by doing that, I'm starting the clock on my game. By having review videos created and having the game shown off at conventions, I'm going to be generating buzz over the game. And I'm going to need to be able to take advantage of that.
Plus, looking at my lists of tasks to do to complete the game, a lot of them are for the purpose of getting ready for the Kickstarter campaign. Even my graphic designer is eager to get started on designing the page for it.
So, I guess that's it then, I need to pick a date. I just worry that I won't be able to finish all the needed prep work in time. Besides setting up the Kickstarter page, I need to get some updated quotes for manufacturing and shipping, get some handouts printed, update the game's assets on Tabletopia, do some research on campaign extras, coordinate the reviews, do some math to figure out the ideal pledge amounts and campaign goal, and keep up with the KS video work and ongoing game artwork. Easy, right? :P
My current tentative goal is to launch the KS in mid-August, giving me roughly two months from now to get all the prep woto get it all done. If I worked on it constantly for that whole time, I'm sure I could do it. However, things like holding a job and attending conventions take away from that. It's just a matter of confidence, I guess... does anyone have any I could borrow? :)
Hopefully I'll be able to announce a solid KS date soon. But for now, my timeframe is August/September. Earlier or later depends on how quickly all of the steps get done.