Quick blog post, just to show off...
Introducing the newest ship design, straight out of the shipyards, the Kraken!
Playing with some new ideas for making a ship unique. The special mechanic for this ship is that it has 'airlock' spaces at the edges of the ship that let you jump from any airlock to any other. And they are conveniently placed near the ship sections, the most important areas on the ship to repair. However, they do cost energy to use, so they're not exactly free. They are still faster and easier than having to make your way across the map normally.
I'm also playing with the ship layout, placing ship spaces slightly off the standard grid to help sell the 'squid' appearance of the ship. (No additional mechanics needed, purely aesthetic.) If this works well then I might consider trying to apply this concept to other ships.
The point balance feel a bit off for this, but that's pretty typical for a new ship. It'll get ironed out with playtesting.
Who wants seafood? :)
Introducing the newest ship design, straight out of the shipyards, the Kraken!
Playing with some new ideas for making a ship unique. The special mechanic for this ship is that it has 'airlock' spaces at the edges of the ship that let you jump from any airlock to any other. And they are conveniently placed near the ship sections, the most important areas on the ship to repair. However, they do cost energy to use, so they're not exactly free. They are still faster and easier than having to make your way across the map normally.
I'm also playing with the ship layout, placing ship spaces slightly off the standard grid to help sell the 'squid' appearance of the ship. (No additional mechanics needed, purely aesthetic.) If this works well then I might consider trying to apply this concept to other ships.
The point balance feel a bit off for this, but that's pretty typical for a new ship. It'll get ironed out with playtesting.
Who wants seafood? :)