Behold, the box art for Stellar Drift!
We finally got in the last of the artwork for the game, and arguably the most important part, the box art! After some tweaks and positioning of the game information, this is the result. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. The typical reaction I get from people when I show this to them is "Wow"; I will take that as a positive. :)
As far as the rest of the visuals, the game's graphic design is still in progress. However, we're mostly down to little nitpicks and visual touches now; all the big important stuff is done. Looking forward to having a finished product soon.
The next major step is to start getting the Kickstarter page ready. We're having another company create a video for the Kickstarter. My graphic designer is ramping up to start working on the visuals for that page. I've been in contact with various previewers, making sure they will have their content ready for me to link to from the KS campaign. We've been discussing stuff like what tiers we're going to offer and what the prices for everything will be.
One concern I have at the moment is shipping. Unlike with Manaforge, the shipping landscape nowadays is that shipping charges are handled after the fact, in the pledge manager. This is good, because I don't have to make guesses as to the cost of shipping and roll that into the pledge tiers; the tiers will be for the product only, and so will be lower as a result. The flip side of that coin, however, is trying to decide where I can ship to. My original intent was to only ship to North America (so, the U.S. and Canada), but I'm starting to see interest in the game from overseas and I don't want to shut that option completely out. I'll probably end up doing worldwide shipping anyway, though I likely won't be able to offer "region friendly" shipping, which is a compact way of saying that the customer won't have to worry about duties or import fees. I won't know for sure until I speak more closely with the shipping companies, though.
One last thing I need to do but I've been hesitating about, is to lock down the launch date. At the moment, I'm currently targeting January 23rd, 2024 as my launch date. This hits all the targets: a Tuesday after the new year, as early as possible, but still giving time for advertising to work and for people to get back into their usual routines after recovering from the holidays. I'm only hesitating because I don't know what other roadblocks I'm going to hit (trust me, there have been a few), but really the longer I wait the harder it will be to get everything coordinated. Ugh.
Oh, and you might have noticed the URL in the above image. I'm trying to circulate this link as much as possible; I really need everyone I can get to be on board with backing the project right as it launches. The more people back within the first 48 hours, the more attention Kickstarter will give the project, which will in turn attract more backers.
Need to get ready for the big push. The plan is to kick everything into full gear right after the new year. Get ready January, here I come! :)
We finally got in the last of the artwork for the game, and arguably the most important part, the box art! After some tweaks and positioning of the game information, this is the result. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. The typical reaction I get from people when I show this to them is "Wow"; I will take that as a positive. :)
As far as the rest of the visuals, the game's graphic design is still in progress. However, we're mostly down to little nitpicks and visual touches now; all the big important stuff is done. Looking forward to having a finished product soon.
The next major step is to start getting the Kickstarter page ready. We're having another company create a video for the Kickstarter. My graphic designer is ramping up to start working on the visuals for that page. I've been in contact with various previewers, making sure they will have their content ready for me to link to from the KS campaign. We've been discussing stuff like what tiers we're going to offer and what the prices for everything will be.
One concern I have at the moment is shipping. Unlike with Manaforge, the shipping landscape nowadays is that shipping charges are handled after the fact, in the pledge manager. This is good, because I don't have to make guesses as to the cost of shipping and roll that into the pledge tiers; the tiers will be for the product only, and so will be lower as a result. The flip side of that coin, however, is trying to decide where I can ship to. My original intent was to only ship to North America (so, the U.S. and Canada), but I'm starting to see interest in the game from overseas and I don't want to shut that option completely out. I'll probably end up doing worldwide shipping anyway, though I likely won't be able to offer "region friendly" shipping, which is a compact way of saying that the customer won't have to worry about duties or import fees. I won't know for sure until I speak more closely with the shipping companies, though.
One last thing I need to do but I've been hesitating about, is to lock down the launch date. At the moment, I'm currently targeting January 23rd, 2024 as my launch date. This hits all the targets: a Tuesday after the new year, as early as possible, but still giving time for advertising to work and for people to get back into their usual routines after recovering from the holidays. I'm only hesitating because I don't know what other roadblocks I'm going to hit (trust me, there have been a few), but really the longer I wait the harder it will be to get everything coordinated. Ugh.
Oh, and you might have noticed the URL in the above image. I'm trying to circulate this link as much as possible; I really need everyone I can get to be on board with backing the project right as it launches. The more people back within the first 48 hours, the more attention Kickstarter will give the project, which will in turn attract more backers.
Need to get ready for the big push. The plan is to kick everything into full gear right after the new year. Get ready January, here I come! :)